Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Not Lame

So I haven't posted in a little while, mostly because I think it's lame to keep talking about something without anything to show yet.

As always, things are coming along. The design looks better everyday, code is being put to the test, and sleep sessions are still few and far between.

In the meantime you might want to check out songbird, it's not exactly what the world needs now but I like their attitude and the overall concept is cool. I just think desktop apps should be avoided at all costs, only used when needed. If guys like Google keeps pushing things like web based Google Spreadheets and Writely, it's only a matter of time before the desktop is nothing but a shell for the web and the toys we create, and Music Slice will be helping to make this push in the realm of media.

Until the next time, keep slicing.