Monday, April 23, 2007

The Music Slice Playground

While Kayode is King Coder for Music Slice, I thought it would be fun to play around with some smaller ideas while he gets the core features going. A while back we had a little custom search engine on Music Slice that was powered by Google, but flavored by us here at Music Slice. It was pretty great and came up with great results. I decided to not only bring it back, but take it to the next level.

So I'd like to introduce - my playground of simple odds and ends ideas that I can get up quickly and see what people think. My first toy I'd like to share with you is the brand new music search engine. It's truly awesome, and took almost no time to get up and going. Just search for any artist or song, in addition to typical web results you'd expect from something like Google, you'll find great videos, shows, lyrics, downloads, and even specific myspace results, if you're into that kinda thing. Go check it out at and then let us know what you think!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When All Seems Quiet

For all you guys anticipating the release of Music Slice, we've pretty much left you in the dark for a while now. If you're anything like me, your begging and praying to see something go up, and more important hear some things coming out of

We don't have a big team of people, which would be nice, but we do have a gem of a programmer, Mr. Kayode Dagbo to try and compensate. I took a test run on what he's been working on, I'm very impressed. We're all in for a treat, and we're getting closer and closer now.

Launch date? Not yet. We're still in the running for best vaporware on the market, but that'll come to an end soon enough.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Want My Music Slice

Music Slice and I have grown up together over the past year and a half, I've learned a lot, sacrificed a lot, and never once looked away. I'm driven by the idea of connecting fans with the music they'll like the most, fans with other fans, artists with other artists, and have this all be done freely and globally. It's also important to eliminate the need for all the "middle men" the music industry has created over the years, and create an environment where any artist can reach any fan, knowing nothing more than how to play his instrument.

OK, so a lot of you know that, and you're still saying... "wasn't this supposed to be Valentines Day? You're killing me!". Believe me, I want this Slice going up far more than anyone else does. We could have launched with a couple shortcuts, but then you'd get something with about the same reliability as myspace... not very good. I've put too much in to go down like that.

I locked myself away the past few days figuring things out and have received all kinds of emails, voicemails, text messages, comments, and everything else from people who want in, and want in now. We're going at it, and it's going to take a little longer. Certainly not months longer, but not hours longer either. I won't set an exact date now, but I will when one becomes very clear.

Thanks for hanging in there with us, it'll be well worth the wait.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hot Date on Valentines Day

Happy New Year to all, this one is already shaping out to be a great one. To kick it off, I'm psyched to tell everyone that Music Slice will officially launch on Valentines day of this year.

With just a month and a half away, there's a lot of work to be done. It's all so exciting though, it's hard to tell the difference between work and play. There's nothing quite like the feeling of thinking up ideas to improve something, and then actually doing it. What better to improve upon than the quality of music that surrounds us? Music has the power to alter moods, amplify feelings, connect people, and be the catalyst for major changes in our lives.

Valentines day is usually a time to be alone with your sweetheart, but I'm finally giving mine to the world. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Searching with Google

We've just hooked up with Google to create a music flavored search engine. We figure this will keep you busy until our official launch. To try it out you can go straight to and search away. I've found it to it be great to find concerts or search specific sites, such as MySpace, for artists and songs.

It gets smarter every day, as we can fine tune it more, and you can help. I hope this holds you over for a little bit while we finish up everything else.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Not Lame

So I haven't posted in a little while, mostly because I think it's lame to keep talking about something without anything to show yet.

As always, things are coming along. The design looks better everyday, code is being put to the test, and sleep sessions are still few and far between.

In the meantime you might want to check out songbird, it's not exactly what the world needs now but I like their attitude and the overall concept is cool. I just think desktop apps should be avoided at all costs, only used when needed. If guys like Google keeps pushing things like web based Google Spreadheets and Writely, it's only a matter of time before the desktop is nothing but a shell for the web and the toys we create, and Music Slice will be helping to make this push in the realm of media.

Until the next time, keep slicing.

Friday, August 11, 2006

New Shirts and No Sleep

Crunch time without a deadline, that's the story right now. As everything comes together, the pressure is on to get the site up and running. Sleep doesn't come too often anymore, and it won't be missed; Music Slice comes first. And what's this? Fresh shirts at my door? Oh yes, Music Slice will make it's way into my wardrobe this Sunday. The little things...

Anyways, I've become particularly obsessed in the past couple weeks with perfecting the simplicity of design and speed in which you can access all features. One problem with "simple design" is that some features go undiscovered or forgotten, take any number of Google's "more" (now "even more") services for example. I'm working on a few different ways to keep everything pumping that should be without being a distraction, and it's turning out well.

So I had to give this quick little update to let you all know I haven't forgot about you, rather I've been glued to the project around the clock. Oh and I know some of you have been looking for some shirts too, but I don't believe I'll have enough this time, only a handful are coming in. I'll keep you up to date though. Happy slicing.