Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When All Seems Quiet

For all you guys anticipating the release of Music Slice, we've pretty much left you in the dark for a while now. If you're anything like me, your begging and praying to see something go up, and more important hear some things coming out of MusicSlice.com.

We don't have a big team of people, which would be nice, but we do have a gem of a programmer, Mr. Kayode Dagbo to try and compensate. I took a test run on what he's been working on, I'm very impressed. We're all in for a treat, and we're getting closer and closer now.

Launch date? Not yet. We're still in the running for best vaporware on the market, but that'll come to an end soon enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

time is of the essense. git r done.